I think we can all agree 2020 has been a little…shall we say different? This is the year we were told to stay home. We were told to avoid loved ones, coworkers, and friends. We learned to rely on devices for meetings, get togethers with friends, and even dates. Movie nights moved to the couch. The dining room table hasn’t seen this much action in a long time. We even embraced the outdoors. Video games, crafts and baking became popular. And on top of all that, we got a whole lot of housework done. When the world as we knew it was taken from us, connecting with people became even more important. This isn’t something that applies to only your friends and family. It is also important for your business. If you are working from home for the unforeseeable future, you need to remember to keep the social in your social media plan. Sure, I am all for digital engagement measuring. Set me in front of some analytics and I can get lost. However, that’s not what it’s all about. If we rewind a little, we can remember a time when social media was fun. It wasn’t a bunch of political statements. It wasn’t a bunch of people arguing about who knows what. Basically, it wasn’t filled with so much anger and hate. Think back to why you joined Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… hell, even MySpace. You wanted to engage. You wanted to know what happened behind the scenes. In the beginning “behind the scenes” probably focused more on friends, family and, I’ll admit it, checking in on what some people from your past might be up to. But now, especially now, we are curious about businesses. We want to know who they are. We want to know what they stand for. We love to see pictures, videos, and posts from the companies we love. Your business is important. Your customers are concerned. Will you be there? Are you doing the right things? Are you okay? Sharing intimate details can be good for your business because it makes you real, and it shows a little bit of the face behind the operations. Looking for ways to add some personal touches to your company’s social media?
Here are a few ideas. Pick a Platform Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are just some of the platforms available to businesses, but you need to choose what is right for you. Where are your followers? That is where you want to focus your energy. Decide What to Share Every business is different, and every following is different. What do your followers react to? Photos? Videos? Information? Keep a close eye on those likes and comments and continue in that direction. Focus on Customer Service Have you ever reached out to a company and got no response? Annoying right? Don’t be that company. Answer questions. Reply to comments. If you don’t put in the time, why should your customers? Be the Teacher You are the expert in your field. Supply your followers with the information they need. Write in a language they will understand. Be clear and concise when explaining what your company does and how it can help them. Have Fun Like I said before, remember to take a step back. In a world gone mad, have fun. Humor goes a long way with the public. Entertain while educating. This year might not be how we pictured it to be, but sometimes embracing different can be the change your business needs. Want to talk about your company's social media challenges? Are you looking for guidance on how to add some personal touches to your posts? Connect with me on LinkedIn or email me! ~ Melissa Pravlik is K2 Creative's Social & Web Strategist.
![]() It's like beautiful music - collaborating with old teammates and great friends. I've added not one, but two, past coworkers to the K2C team! I brought in Colleen Mycoff when I wanted to win a job for a new logo and marketing materials for a company out of Houston, Texas. I knew if anyone could help me - it was Colleen...and she did! Then, a short time later a small local nonprofit organization contacted me about redesigning their outdated website and adding content. It was in WordPress, which I am not skilled, so I knew exactly who to call - Melissa Pravlik! Although we had all stayed in touch for many years, it was so sweet how we just picked back up and didn't miss a beat. We held different positions in different departments at the Pittsburgh Business Times... just a few years ago. I say it that way because it seems like a lifetime ago, and yet it seems like yesterday. Oh, the stories we could tell! Maybe that'll be a future blog post? ;) Bringing them into the mix, K2C gained two new clients - and we have been able to expand our services. We understand the value of having the trifecta of skills when serving clients - Content, Marketing, Branding. It all works together! The content on your website and social pages is your story. Your marketing plan needs to have a clear, consistent message. Your logo and brand tell the visual story about your organization. The three parts - Content, Marketing, and Branding need to work in harmony. We have that harmony. Folks have asked "Do you have a specific industry concentration?" The answer is a simple "No." We know the TYPES of companies and clients we want to work with. We want the small business owner with great ideas and lots of experience and knowledge, but little time. We want the new business owner who needs guidance and a plan. We love our nonprofit clients because we love to "do good" and support groups that care about the same issues we care about. Maybe someday we will focus on an industry, but it's doubtful. Right now, we are focusing on working with good people - and so far, we've achieved that! I've been told to be careful, don't try to be everything to everyone. We know what we're each good at - and we know to "stay in our lanes." I've been told not to grow too quickly. We are taking our time. We are getting back in the swing of working together and creating that old harmony. We have had laughs and we've made mistakes. We will learn and grow with every new client and every new project. We will have fun! But, most importantly, we will help our clients reach their goals with sensible, reasonable solutions. Reach out to any of us and let's talk about how K2C can help you "Make Your Message Matter." Rockin' with the band... again, Kelli Here's a copy of the first monthly K2 Creative newsletter shared on September 1, 2020.
Dear Friend, I hope this message finds you well… if it finds you at all! So many changes! I have spent the last few days sifting through two binders of business cards, dating back to the early 2000’s. Looking through the binders, I was reminded of the many years I spent at the Pittsburgh Business Times – where I learned about networking and making strong, meaningful connections. I was reflecting on mixers and events where I met many of you (during my time with 4C and FCB as well) and I realized how much I was REALLY missing in-person connecting, going out for dinner and drinks, hugging people, and enjoying a mask-free life. I am sure I am not the only one who has had major career changes since we last connected – and I am certain many of you have experienced additional changes over the last few months. As we all know, change isn’t always bad, and that’s why I’m writing to you today! Soooooo.... I started my own business, K2 Creative. Recognizing that many business owners and nonprofit leaders have a ton of knowledge about their company and industry – but they don’t have the time or the talent to get that knowledge out of their heads and “on paper” led me to find a way to help! I’m combining the power of creative writing, marketing, and branding to provide content that engages clients and builds brand recognition. Whether your organization is a third-generation company, a start-up, or a nonprofit, K2 Creative can tell your story and create - and sustain - brand awareness. Every organization needs clear, consistent messaging. There has never been a more crucial time to "Make Your Message Matter." See what our clients are saying! Besides building the business and taking care of our clients, I'm still very active in (virtual) networking and making connections. I've found a few online groups that are worth sitting in on and I'd like to share them with you. And, I'd love to hear HOW you're doing and WHAT you're doing! Schedule a Zoom using my Calendly link and let's reconnect! Wishing you all the best, Kelli Kelli A. Komondor President & CEO K2 Creative, LLC "Make Your Message Matter" [email protected] |
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