When I started K2 Creative, I wanted to 1. Do things MY way… and 2. Help people. It sounds corny, but I spent years witnessing people making mistakes in their businesses. I really wanted to help. And I have helped people. Since I added visibility and public relations to my services, I have helped over fifty authors promote their books. They’re all great writers, with great stories. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading their books and promoting them. But a few authors have truly stood out. One of those is Dana Ziemniak. When Cori (Aurora Corialis Publishing) approached me with Dana’s story, and the opportunity to represent her, I was both heartbroken and eager to work with her. I knew her story had to be shared… everywhere. You see, Dana’s son Evan died when he was twelve. He was dared by a bully to “play” the “choking game” or “blackout challenge.” And it cost him his life. Dana’s book, Blue is the Color of Heaven – The Story of a Boy’s Love, Strength & Beyond, is not only her way of memorializing Evan, but it’s her way of taking a stand. Dana discusses her experience getting Evan an adequate diagnosis for his invisible disabilities. Despite her medical training as a pharmacist, she felt hopeless on her journey – even after turning to his school for support. Eventually, Evan was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and high-functioning autism. But it wasn't enough. Dana’s mission now is to raise awareness about these dangerous “games” and challenges and to save families across the nation from suffering as her family has. And she's done just that. Cori and I brainstorm and collaborate on every client we work on together - and even the ones we don't. She mentioned something interesting one day - instead of emailing outlets, connect with producers of local and national shows through social media and pitch them there. Hmm, not a bad idea. A few days later, I was sitting in a nail salon and Dr. Phil was on one of the televisions. It was muted, so I couldn’t hear what was being said, but from what was on the screen I could see it was about internet bullying. I saw it as a sign, went home and immediately started searching LinkedIn for Dr. Phil producers. I found one and sent her a private message with information about Dana’s book and Evan’s story. I ate dinner with my husband and took a walk with my sister, nothing out of the ordinary. When I got back home, I had this message from the producer: Hi Kelli! Please give me a call at (xxx) when you have a moment. WHAT? I called her, and what she said completely blew my mind. When she received that LinkedIn message from me, she was on the phone with a senior producer, who was telling her that they had a family back out of an upcoming filming for an episode about social media and internet bullying. The producer called to tell her they needed another family to participate. At that moment, she received an email alerting her to my LinkedIn message, to an email address she rarely uses, if ever. She isn’t certain why she even had that email open. Her next words to the producer were, “I might have a family. I just got a message from a publicist in Pittsburgh,” and read my message to her. She said they both got choked up and had goosebumps. Me? I went a little further and started crying. Things moved so quickly from that minute forward. I gathered information and told her I needed to contact Dana. Cori and I three-way called Dana, and thinking back, it makes me laugh; when Dana answered the phone, she told us she was in the process of medicating her cat – and started explaining what an ordeal that was at times, like her publicist and publisher calling her to chat was part of an ordinary evening. She had no idea what we were about to tell her and how this would impact everything she’s fought for in the last six years. Her husband, Matt, and daughter, Ava, were in the background asking questions and getting excited; Dana, Cori, and I were crying. Call it what you want – fate, serendipity, chance, coincidence, luck. I know what Dana calls it – Evan. Fast forward a few weeks, and the Ziemniaks were on a flight to Los Angeles to film “Shedding Light on ‘The Blackout Challenge’”. They had an incredible experience and were treated so kindly by Dr. Phil’s team. They met another family on the show who lost their son to the same “challenge” just a few months prior to the recording. And the day is here for the show to air. On Thursday, January 5, 2023, Matt and Dana Ziemniak tell Evan’s story to a national audience, on Dr. Phil. I encourage you to tune in, and find it online or on demand if you're reading this past the original air date. I am so proud to not only know this family, but to watch Dana’s book land in the hands of families who need to read it. She was contacted by a woman in Ohio, whose 14-year-old son has a 504 plan, like Evan. This mom told Dana she’s sure that Evan will be with her at the next meeting regarding her son and his 504 plan. We’ve seen an outpouring on social media; people reacting, commenting, and sharing our posts regarding the book, the show, and Dana’s mission. There will be more stories of people – parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends – who contact Dana after seeing the show. Dana is convinced it’s all Evan. It’s always Evan. And after reading Blue is the Color of Heaven and the circumstances that connected me with Dr. Phil’s people… I believe it too. xo - Kel
I was getting ready for bed last night and I started making a list of all things I use in a day - from shower products to hair stuff to face care and makeup and so on. It's around the two-dozen mark. Then I started to think about how many "things" I use for business... email, social media, multiple apps, and so on. I believe that having MORE of something isn't always better.
I also believe that having too many choices frustrates people. There's a famous restaurant chain, known for a certain type of dessert, whose menu is like a small novel. I like options, but a menu with pages in the teens is a bit much, don’t you think? When it comes to having choices and getting what you need – where do you draw the line? How much of anything is too much? I’ve always been someone who likes to give people three choices of just about anything. ❓What day works best for you to have coffee? Here are 3 that work for me: ... ❓I’m planning a dinner party and here are your 3 meal options: ... ❓Time to choose a new book for book club! Please choose one of these 3: ... (See what I did there? Three examples!) Moving into 2023 I'm using the "three method" with K2 Creative. K3 Creative? Nah, the name is staying the same. I'm concentrating on what I know best: 👍🏻 Visibility Consulting and Strategy 👍🏻 Brand Identity and Messaging 👍🏻 Content Marketing I'm sticking with the people I understand, "vibe with", and love to work with - they're all entrepreneurs, and most are small business owners: ⭐ Authors ⭐ Coaches and Consultants ⭐ Speakers I have learned so much in the last 2 1/2 years. So. Much. I'm not ashamed to say that I made mistakes - both in how I run my business and in some of the work I've done. It's in my nature to want to help EVERYONE. I started this firm to do just that - help people. Although it took me a little bit of time, I finally realized that I can't be everything to everyone. And frankly, I don't want to be. There are some changes on the horizon. Some are so subtle that many people won't even realize it. But the adjustments are important to me and the success of K2 Creative. I have some big news for one of my clients; the announcement will be public in the first week of January 2023. Her message is so important, and the client is one of the most amazing people I've had the honor of knowing and working with. Her dream is to reach a national audience with her story - and we achieved it. This also marks a milestone for K2C and for me as a professional. It's that big. Stick around for it. Here's where you can stay up-to-date, and find me and K2C on social (three of those too!): Here's to choices - and making the right ones in 2023! XO Kel I recently had a great conversation with a colleague about our "pipelines". Who was on our list of potential clients? Which friends were we connecting and reconnecting with for referrals - BOTH ways? Which events are we going to attend (YAY!) to make new connections? Your first step is having a strong brand and message. If you don't know what you offer - or how to relay it to potential clients - how will anyone else understand what you offer? How will they see the value you bring? I'm not just talking about a recognizable logo and flashy colors - I'm talking about overall goals, a visibility strategy, industry knowledge (including an understanding of your competitors), ideal audience targeting, and a marketing plan. We've experienced a few clients in our short time (almost 2 whole years!) as a business who depend way too much on social media as their marketing strategy. Social media is great - and we have over a half dozen social clients - but it needs to be in support of your marketing and brand strategy. A lover of lists - I created this one to help you think about your pipeline.
And another thing... What's all this visibility talk?
Visibility builds brand awareness, helps you stand out against your competition, and boosts your profitability. Having visibility will provide an opportunity for more people to hear your unique message and for you to fulfill your purpose and leave a large and lasting impact. Visibility will position you as an industry expert and thought leader. Having a solid strategy to guide your marketing decisions includes having a professional brand and website and a broad communication plan to increase your visibility. Where will you find visibility? And, how can we help? Book a complimentary 30-minute chat today... and Make Your Message Matter! xo Kel "Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow." #BreakTheBias The 2022 theme and official hashtag of IWD. I can celebrate this! I think the most shocking thing about bias and women’s equality is when women don’t support each other. When women don’t raise one another up and celebrate their counterpart’s successes. When women flat out play dirty. I have often wondered how much energy it takes to cause harm and expel negativity compared with the amount of energy it takes to do good and cheer others on. I know, personally, I FEEL GOOD when I help someone else. But I have also spent my fair share of ‘being human’ and lamenting over broken relationships, lost business clients, and missed opportunities. I've lost more sleep than I care to admit and spent hours worrying and wondering about choices I made - and not just recently, I'm talking years ago. Rethinking conversations, redoing situations over in my head, regretting not going for that position or not saying what I really felt - both out of fear. I risk losing you here dear reader, but dare I say most - if not all the above - can be attributed to "being a woman?" As females we are programmed to overthink. To worry. To nurture. To try harder than necessary and to be more broken when something isn't right. To just care too much. I won't apologize for these comments; mostly because women spend way too much time saying, "I'm sorry", and because it's truly how I feel. And it's my blog. :) As a mother of a son and a daughter, they’ll both tell you I care about the other one more. They’ll each say I do more for the other. They’ll fight tooth and nail to be the most-neglected, least-cared-for child. I’m not kidding. They are as different as they come, my kids, however they both get just about as much as A. they will take, and B. I can give. Raising a son who respects women and cares about others isn’t a one-and-done, simple task. It’s ongoing into adulthood. It’s reminding them of their roots and what it means to be a GOOD person. Raising a strong, independent daughter isn’t easy. Throw in brains and strong opinions and… well, game over. We strive for our children, especially our daughters, to reach independence. Then once they do, where does that leave us? What about the woman, or women, who helped that little girl become the woman she is today? I think on days like today, that focus on women's achievements, we need to recognize that sometimes our job as women is not to live in constant worry about those we feel responsible for, but to celebrate how far they've come.
I also feel that we need to give ourselves a break. A break from comparing ourselves to others, a break from worrying about what others will think of us, a break from trying to do all the things, all the time. So, now I ask... can you do me a favor? You read this far, so something must’ve stuck… or you were just curious if I was going to apologize. Still not gonna happen, friends. The favor, should you choose to participate, is one of two asks… or both!
In the words of the great Maya Angelou, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Make someone feel good today. xo ~ Kel Here we are. Nearing the two year mark of the pandemic. TWO YEARS. The world seemingly shut down on March 16, 2020. We’ve all heard of the newest buzzwords and phrases like “hop on a call”, “close the loop”, “nice to e-meet you”, “Zoom fatigue”, and “new normal”. But is there a buzzword or phrase for COVID-related bad behavior? Using COVID as an excuse for poor performance, not showing up (and I don’t mean just in a physical sense), not keeping promises, or honoring one’s word seems to be the norm. We all know COVID has changed LITERALLY everything in our lives. At times like this I can’t help but think that we are stronger together – even if we’re still not physically 100% comfortable being TOGETHER. Human behavior has taken a hit. We have forgotten how to "be." I was curious about how COVID has changed us, as humans. Sadly - feelings of fear, anger, worry, and frustration are very common. I found research that shows physical reactions like headaches, body aches, stomach problems, and skin rashes. A lot of people have increased their use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. I know a lot of people who had COVID and experienced not only symptoms during infection, but after; brain fog, problems sleeping, unability to regulate body temp, to name a few. Personally, I feel that my relationships have prospered. I met people from across the nation - and even globally - who I never would've had the opportunity to connect with. As my calendar begins to fill with both business and personal events, I am excited for what the remainder of 2022 will bring.
I'm hopeful for new buzzwords - ones that are positive, encouraging, supportive. How about you? xo Kel This blog post is pulled from the K2C February newsletter. The beginning of this newsletter [blog] is coming to you from my heart.
My great uncle Anthony passed yesterday. He was the last remaining family member of that generation, the youngest of four, my Pap's baby brother. Uncle Anthony almost made it to 90, just a few weeks shy, and ironically, he went to be with my Pap on what would've been Pap's 94th birthday. As my mom and daughter (My kids had a great, great uncle into adulthood - pretty amazing!) were posting tributes to him on Facebook I realized - I had zero photos with him. I can't find one. But it's funny; almost every picture they posted was taken at my house: years of Thanksgivings, Christmas Eves, summer picnics. I was in none of the pictures. I joked that it was because I was fixing him his second or third plate - he loved nearly everything I made and ate so well when he was here - or that I was brewing him a cup of coffee that he would no doubt complain about... but in reality? I was just too busy. As a host or hostess, you're making certain food is hot, drinks are full, and people are happy. But what about the TIME you're supposed to be spending with those happy people? Once they're gone, they're gone. We worry our hair isn't just so. We are wearing comfy clothes and 'aren't camera ready'. We say, "I'm coming", and busy ourselves in the kitchen and never do. It's all so silly, isn't it? Today, I'm both asking and telling you to take the photos. ❤ Rest easy UA - celebrations won't be the same without you. ❤ xo Kel “A public relations professional is a bridge builder, building long-term relationships between a company or an organization and its publics based on two-way communication.” ~ Peter Jeff, Grand Rapids, Michigan public relations practitioner I have always been a cheerleader. Not an actual cheerleader (except for a few years when I was very young) but a cheerleader in the sense of being a big supporter of others. I am constantly “team everyone else”, sometimes so much so that I talk other people up more than I promote myself. P.S. - One sure sign of Imposter Syndrome is downplaying your knowledge or expertise and spending time putting attention on others, even though you know you’re just as - or more - experienced and capable. I’ve written about Imposter Syndrome, a few times, if you’re interested. So, what is PR? “Public relations is communicating what you believe in to important audiences, at the right time, to achieve a goal.” ~ Frank Walton, vice president of Ruder Finn Public Relations (1995) Simply put – it’s the positive outreach that gets individuals and organizations noticed and in front of the public and their ideal clients and audiences. Don’t think of PR and publicists as a harried individual chasing after an out-of-control celebrity. Publicists are here for the GOOD, not just to help with unfortunate events and choices. (Although, that would be sort of fun, right?) WHO needs a publicist? Q: Who needs a publicist? A: All public figures need a publicist. Q: What’s a “public figure”? A: Any person who wants to maintain or protect their image by getting coverage via print and digital publications, podcasts, radio, speaking engagements, and the like. K2C has a lot of luck with authors – both fiction and nonfiction. I think becoming an author myself led me to attracting other authors. However, besides authors, nearly every person on this earth can benefit from a public relations campaign to spread positive news about themselves or the organizations they are associated with. Let’s break down the five reasons PR is a necessity.
Expanding your network during COVID hasn’t been easy – I get it. If I hear the phrase “Zoom fatigue” one more time… But, it’s not all a lost cause! You can still successfully promote yourself, your book, your company’s expansion, and all the good stuff that’s happening with a simple PR campaign. And, since so many people can benefit from a campaign, I’m offering a special for the month of February 2022.
Get the details on the Pitch Prep Package then, book a call with me and let’s get started! And by the way this offer, for now, is only available to our newsletter subscribers and blog readers AND we are only accepting three clients for this package to provide the most value. Let’s talk! xo Kel *Source: SMEstrategy.net Growing up, if someone asked me what “balance” meant, I guess I would’ve said “Staying on my bicycle.” I would have given a physical definition because I spent countless hours riding a pedal bike, around my neighborhood with my friends.
As an adult, I know better. I have chosen “BALANCE” as my word for 2022. Before I get into the reasons why, let’s look back at 2021. Ok, I know NO ONE wants to rewind, but here it goes anyway… I chose “write” as my word for 2021 - and boy, did I write! I became a published author – a bestselling published author – and I wrote countless words for my business and our clients. From blogs to social media posts, to email campaigns and website content, to press releases and press pitches… I WROTE. And I loved every minute of it. Now, in 2022 and in choosing “balance”, I’m hoping to learn to love this word as well. We all hear about learning to have a work / life balance… balance your family and your job. Take time for Y-O-U. But what about people like me who consistently put others first? What about the folks who worry about everyone else before they think of the consequences? I guess I’ll find out because this year is going to be all about BALANCE! Tell me – how do you create balance in your life? And if you’ve chosen a word for 2022, what is it? Drop a comment or email me at [email protected]. “Advertising is what you pay for; publicity is what you pray for.” When you hear PR or Public Relations what do you think of? Many people picture a frazzled publicist frantically cleaning up the mess left behind by a celebrity. It’s so much more than that and it’s not all negative! Positive Public Relations - A proper, prosperous, positive PR campaign includes outreach and connecting with: Press and News Outlets Social Media Speaking Engagements Negative Public Relations - Damage control includes: Crisis Communication Apology Messaging Reputation Restoration Public Relations is an important part of every marketing strategy. Sharing positive news about your organization and managing your personal brand should be at the top of your 2022 business plan. Here’s why:
So, can you run your own press campaign? The answer is "YES"... and here's how. But, if you’d like K2 Creative & PR to help, we have multiple packages to fit just about any budget – starting at $350! Get all the scoop here, then book a 30-minute complimentary consultation. We’ll review your current PR initiatives, or lack thereof, and determine if it’s a fit for us to work together! Here’s to a new year, new goals, new accomplishments, and a new outlook on public relations! Happy 2022! ~ Kel What is a referral, by definition? Here’s a great description, from HubSpot: A business referral is when someone in your network recommends your business to a new prospect. This may happen spontaneously during organic conversation or as a result of conscious referral marketing efforts. Referrals are an important part of any business. I grew my business strictly on referrals and the strong connections I built through nearly 20 years of networking. I have two binders full of business cards that I can sort through and use to connect people. Personally, I feel like there’s nothing better than making an introduction that results in a partnership! Do you have a hard time ASKING for referrals? You don’t technically have to say the words, “Please refer me to a friend,” but it never hurts! And, if you’ve done a great job for someone, you SHOULD ask them to refer you. Here are my top 5 ways to get referrals:
1. Go Above and Beyond Go the extra mile for your current clients. This can be done in many ways – get creative! When your current clients are happy, they’re going to tell people. And remember… When they’re not happy, they’re also going to tell people! 2. Have a Rewards Program Create a rewards program for when a friend makes a referral that becomes a client. It doesn’t have to be fancy or break the bank – it could be a “Wall of Champions” in your office where you list their name and company, or a simple coffee gift card per referral. 3. Provide a Template If you build it, they will refer! Provide the information for people to simply forward or copy and paste. Send what you already have for your marketing pieces in a simple format that’s easy to share. No one wants to spend time recreating the wheel! 4. Leverage Your Social Networks It’s so easy to provide referrals via social media. A photo of a product you are happy with, or a description of a service that was top-notch goes a long way. Tag the person or company who provided your excellent experience and simply say how important referrals are! 5. Reciprocate! You must be active in referring your friends and colleagues, too! Make sure it isn’t one-sided and you’re doing your part to help them grow their business as well. Let’s hear it from you! How do you make a good connection? What is the best referral you’ve ever received and what did it lead to? And, most importantly, what’s the best referral you’ve ever GIVEN to someone – and what happened? WHO are you looking to connect with? Who are your clients? Share with me via email, or in the comments, and let's see if there is a biz card in my binder that will make a good referral! XO - Kel [email protected] |
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